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Notas de la Biblia

Notas Biblia

So Come in Like Manner: 33 AD / 2033 AD

Chris McCann
May 21, 2018

#161 So Come in Like Manner: 33 AD / 2033 AD

Acts 1:11 Which also said, Ye men of Galilee, why stand ye gazing up into heaven? this same Jesus, which is taken up from you into heaven, shall so come in like manner as ye have seen him go into heaven.

The pattern for Christ's first coming appears to be repeated at this time. For example, Christ was born in 7 BC, a Jubilee year. From 7 BC to 33 AD equals 40 calendar years but 39 actual years (because when going from a BC date to AD we always must minus one since there is no year zero in the calendar).

From 1994 AD, a Jubilee year, until 2033 AD is 40 inclusive years or 39 actual years.

Also, from creation, which we know is the year 11,013 BC based on the Biblical calendar of history, until Christ on the cross is:

11,013 BC to 33 AD = 11,046 calendar years / 11,045 actual years


From creation 11,013 BC to 2033 AD = 13,046 calendar years/ 13,045 actual years.

The Biblical evidence again and again points to 2033 AD.

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E Bible Fellowship © 2019 -Todos Los Derechos Reservados