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Notas de la Biblia

Notas Biblia

God Controls the Door to Heaven

Chris McCann
June 13, 2017

#108 God Controls the Door to Heaven


God is the Judge. The Bible is the Word of God. And in that Word of God He has made known His judgment upon the world and in it He also made known the timeline for the beginning of that judgment (May 21, 2011, Judgment Day!).

The judgment of God concerns the door of heaven. Christ (the Word) is the Door. And because He is the Door Himself He controls every thing to do with that door. When its open, He lets His people know. And when its openly greatly, as it was during the latter rain people, He lets His people know that also. And when God shuts the door to the churches He lets His people know that information as well. And of course, God also revealed to His elect people the status of the door for the world on the day of May 21, 2011.

It’s easy to charge the elect child of God with exceeding their bounds because they say that the Bible teaches that the door to heaven is now shut. Yet, the same can be said of those that dare to say the door is now open simply based upon their own personal feelings or ideas, which are in clear contradiction to the Bible’s teaching that the doorway is in fact closed. Saying the door is open or shut, of itself is not wrong. The error comes when the declaration of the door’s status goes contrary to what the Bible has decreed.

You act as though God has not opened up the Scriptures to reveal much truth that locked in the date that the door of heaven would shut. These things were not done in a corner some where.

They were done openly, boldly, God had His people proclaim to the world that on that date the door to heaven would shut once and for all.

Genesis 7:16 And they that went in, went in male and female of all flesh, as God had commanded him: and the LORD shut him in.

God did indeed shut the door on the very day that He said He would. The elect people of God, as humble and faithful stewards of the door (the Word of God the Bible) simply proclaim its status as revealed by the Lord to His servants:

Psalm 84:10 For a day in thy courts is better than a thousand. I had rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God, than to dwell in the tents of wickedness.

Perhaps you think you can control the openings and shuttings of that heavenly portal, but the fact is that you cannot. No man can. And God's elect would never even dare to try. We're simply doorkeepers. God tells us the door's condition (through His Word the Bible) and we report it to others.

Revelation 3:7 ... These things saith he that is holy, he that is true, he that hath the key of David, he that openeth, and no man shutteth; and shutteth, and no man openeth;

I'm sorry you don't like what God has done. You have better ideas and seem to think your wisdom is greater than God's. Yes, you wouldn't do things this way. But its not your gospel is it? And its not your door to heaven. Its God's. He is sovereign in every area of His salvation program. He is sovereign regarding those whom He saved. Where He chose to save them. And when He determined to save them.

He is God. He has revealed many things concerning His program for Judgment Day. It starts with the absolute fact that heaven's door has shut and His salvation program has come to an end. No one will make any real spiritual progress in these days after the tribulation until they humble themselves before that awesome and glorious Bible truth.

E Bible Fellowship © 2019 -Todos Los Derechos Reservados

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E Bible Fellowship © 2019 -Todos Los Derechos Reservados